
Notes on a zig zag paper:
Really cool website for photography as art is HERE. Lots of good stuff if you need some relaxation and some brain stirring.

QUICK QUIZ: Don't peek. What does the word "magniloquent" (mag-nil-o-quent) mean? Now think about it. Ten bucks says you won't come up with it. One of the reasons I started blogging was that words or phrases like all fucked up, total asshole, effite liberal prick, said things better than the intellectuals who used words like "magniloquent." OK here is the definition, courtesy of Webster:

Etymology: back-formation from magniloquence: speaking in or characterized by a high-flown often bombastic style or manner
This word was used in a WSJ editorial but people like Sullivan etc., feel superior by using stuff like that. I thought by sort of doing my own similar sounding reasoning that it had something to do with being malignant or possibly a bad piece of ass. Just goes to show why the WSJ is not read by the masses.