As Hillary speaks in support of the war. I confirmed her shift back in December of '03. I had originally called it seven months prior when in May of 03 I observed this:
AS HILLARY MOVES RIGHTHow's that for a call.
Posted 9:38 AM by Howard
And I mean RIGHT
* Voted for the War
* Voted to raise wages and benefits for Military
* Refuses to endorse removal of Rick Santorum
* Supports occupation
* Making nasty sounds about Iran; in fact watch her announce support for action against Iran.
* Totally silent about WMD in Iraq
* Didn't fight the tax bill and didn't even fight for the child benefits for poor people.
She will serve on the Armed Services Committee and will get to know every General, every Colonel, every military wannabe and she will make dam sure they get what they want. Watch her support help for Military families. If and when she runs for President she will have friends in the Military. The Republicans will not be able to tell all spies to run for cover because she will expose them, or tell the country she is weak on National Security. She will put herself forth as a Margaret Thatcher of the center.
Watch. She is in the process of divorcing herself from the Left. She doesn't appear at any of their functions, doesn't write for The Nation, The New York Observer, or even The Village Voice. By 2004 she will be seen as a Conservative Democrat.
Get ready.