
Notes on a Zig Zag paper:
There are no adequate words
to describe the human bowel movement named Doug Wead who has released taped conversations he had with W. He taped Bush because Bush believed him to be a friend, instead Wead is a scum writer. The piece, in the New York Times is here. What a vicious man. I'm just sick.

Now for the good.....I hope you have VDH's Private Papers bookmarked and visit at least once a week. Not only is he good but he has guests who are his equal, if only for one column.

Blogs strike again---and the MSM is full of crap again---but this time only the sports bloggers knew about it. Just kidding. Sports writers did their jobs because the so called sports blogs just report scandal and sex. Reggie Fowler, the guy who is buying the Minnesotta Vikings NFL team, lied like hell on a resume that was released to the public. All hell has broken loose because he has lied so much everybody is wondering if he has any money. What seems most likely is that this guy has uncanny business ability and didn't "need no stinking degree" to be successful. As a side here, because of the internet, reporters who can get on line just as well as the rest of us, actually checked out a story. What does it take to be a "journalist?" I'd say the first thing would be to stay away from the Columbia Journalism School of Communism. What does it take to be a blogger? If you're going to do it, check things out.

BTW, THE NHL: Everyone forgets the axiom that the purpose of business is to stay in business. The six million dollar spread in the salary cap is actually six times the number of teams (32) or almost $200 million. When almost every team is losing money they need to "stay in business" or close it down. A Canadian sport will move back to Canada where it will remain with only a few American teams. All will have much smaller payrolls.

The Dems in congress will now try to smear Negroponte and claim he approved prisoner abuse allegedly done by the CIA. The democrats have passed both the "cry wolf" mark and "the sky is falling" line and are now approaching the "world will end Saturday" boundary. Nobody is listening.

The Juliette Huddy links from various search engines now totals 314. Some of the people wanted "Juliette Huddy naked," topless, ready for action, and others. Anyway, if you want to build traffic Juliette is obviously a way. BTW she is one of the few "news babes" who either has a connected family or husband who can keep all references off the web. She ain't posed for nothin'.