
HughHeweitt is asking people to write to the LA Times regarding their disgusting article praising North Korea (birth place of John Dean,syphlis and on line dating). I know my readers, and I know most of you are far too busy to compose a letter, especially to a newspaper none of you read. So to save you time and make Hugh happy I have typed up a few simple letters you can quickly copy and mail to the LA Times (letters@latimes.com). Just copy the writing part leave out the numbers.

1. Dear Sir,
You are a bunch of lying cocksuckers who hold their breaths while doing it.

Respectfully yours,

(Your Name Here)

2. Gentlepersons,
You are a bunch of lying cocksuckers who swallow all of it and then smile.

Respectfully yours,

(Your name here)

3. Editor, LAT
Fuck you. I'm going to blow up your building.

Respectfully yours

John Dean

Hope this helps all of you. Thank Hugh.