
Is AP Left? Do alligators shit in lakes? This roundup from a tiny South Eastern News paper that prints only AP dispatches.

A woman named Duff quotes Michael Moore as a reliable source to back up her story about the RCMP killings. Another woman leads off a story about a traffic accident by blaming the SUV, the name of the driver, a former local high school football star, leads off the third paragraph. A piece from the LA Times smears U.S. soldiers in a piece called "Ramadi Madness", another from the WaPo calls Iraq "in crises," the shooting of the guard for the Italian reporter is blamed solely on U.S. "shooters," without mention that the car was approaching at a high rate of speed and refused to slow down. The MSM is bad but the Not Ready for Main Stream Media (NRMSM) is too one sided to believe. Oh, and the editorial section spends an entire column blasting any SS reform. There is not one word about what is going on in the mid east other than a piece on Syria pulling everyone out (not true) and another piece about the Palistinian "situation" that places full responsibility on Israel. People who read it believe it.