
After watching Larry Kudlow for a half hour I had to turn it off. Here's an open letter to all the Supply Siders who come off the mountain top once or twice a month. Larry never has anybody who deviates from the party line.

The core rate of inflation, excluding food and energy, is only________. What galaxy are you speaking from Larry? Food and energy are everything to most normal people. Everything. It is the main topic of stray talk at work, nobody at parties leaves out the price of gas, and the obscenities muttered at the gas pump tell the tale.

The core rate is total bullshit, good only for people who have chauffeurs, a credit card bill paid by accountants and business managers, and who can squint through smoked glass limo windows at the great unwashed; or at least they do when they can tear themselves away from the latest financial journal. The stock market IS telling you something, but you don’t want to hear it.

The true rate of inflation INCLUDES food and energy. The true rate is .06% which, if my math is right, comes to 72% inflation for most of us, even for you it is 7.2%. You ought to get people on your show who disagree with you because all you have is the usual sycophants. Everything is fine. Buy stocks.

Normal people buy stocks and us normal people are looking at hellatious inflation. Ruinous inflation. The price of gas dropped four cents today in LA so we only pay $2.56 per gallon. Core rate my ass.