

The true gutlessness, cowardice, lack of commitment to anything but looking good, equals: Senate Republicans caving on filibuster reform. They are a truly sorry lot. Arlen Spector is selling out big time---who is surprised?---Chuck Hagel was always a good bet to sell out. This is a stab in the back by an out of power Trent Lott and and out of power Democrat Ben Nelson so they can somehow retain their "clout." Read all the details here if you haven't already. It's about how the Republicans are going to throw all the judges overboard. A sell out. Traitorous to their base. Write. Of all the lousy RINOs that scumbag Spector is it. I'll never vote for a single Republican ever again if they cave here. What's the point. Write. Here's a few addresses: Chairman@gop.com, Info@gop.com, Political@gop.com, ecampaign@gop.com. Hit all of them.