Movie Grosses in Toilet
If John Ford came along today he'd make porn movies.... Are you rejoicing over the worst Hollywood grosses in decades? Are you figuring that the reason for the vanishing customer is customer disgust with the Hollywood Left Wing liars, their pretensions of intelligence, and their dissolute life styles?
If only it was true.
First, the tastes of people, particularly males under the age of 25, has shifted to computer games. Games that totally involve all who play them and offer an intellectual and emotional satisfaction that no movie can. If you’ve never played one, let me assure you that twelve hours can pass as if it were a minute and the thrill of competition beats sex---for a while. Computer game revenues are higher than the movie and music business combined---over $8 billion per year. Worse, 35% of the players are women. LINKS start here.
Movies are an art form that has played itself out. It's over. Movie storytelling is mostly boring; everything has been done before. John Lennon once said that Rock and Roll would be ruined the moment intellectuals began liking it, and even worse, actually creating it. I think he has been proven correct. Hollywood was built by men who came from tough life experiences; miners, fighters, newspaper reporters (could some Ivy League snob ever have written “His Gal Friday?”) and soldiers; they told stories straight from their experiences and from their dreams---don't forget their dreams---and because these guys came from the streets, their experiences and their dreams were those of normal people. Do you think the parade of drunks, dopers, Left Wing wannabees, children of privilege, Ivy League intellectuals, and the ton of well connected pretenders who produce “product” these days have any life experiences that can strike people in their souls?
Every artist who has trained with other artists who are good, and by that I mean really good, will tell you that the entire basis of the creative process is telling the truth---van Gough was painting what he actually saw through is sick mind. This does not mean that every writer observing an incident will see the same truth, it does mean they will tell their truth and take no prisoners. Creators who make ten million dollars a picture cannot tell the truth, all they can do is lie well enough to pretend to tell the truth. To paraphrase Jesus somebody or other: It is easier for a liberal to go through the eye of a needle than a $10 million dollar per movie "artist" has of creating art.
Is there a sitcom on TV that has a grain of truth in it other than the moronic statement that: I’m under 35 and I just want to get laid? Is there more than one or two movies per year that remotely touches life as it is rather than regurgitate the latest feminist/Left/anti religious line along with the quest for endless sex or money? Consider this: at least half the Black population in this country are religious; have you ever seen a Black family set in anything other than a pimp/ho/ganstah/foul mouthed ethical never never land composed of people with no feelings and no concern for others? The only writers hired are the ones who conform to the stereotype.
Any writer who sells his soul to a political movement, politician, businessman, labor leader, or cleric has ceased to participate in process of truth; truth without the bullshit cannot be worth $10 million a picture. It's over for them. The artistic sell out represented in “Kingdom of Heaven,” a movie that only Muslims can love, says it all. Replacing the Hollywood artists of long ago are a bunch of guys creating games from bedrooms, bathrooms, and beaches who don't give a fuck about $10 million per game. They just do.
Finally, ask yourself this: what is more truthful, an outright porn film or the sleazy homosexuality of “Troy? A good porn film tells the truth; a simple truth about fucking with no pretense at all. Think about that.