
The Hitchens two million word essay in today's WSJ that I have said here many times in five words: "Jesus Christ was a socialist." The reason I don't get the big bucks is that I'll be God Damed if I'll write more than five words about this obvious point. If Jesus had been my kind of God he'd have shorted the Philistine Bank before he drove out the money changers and walked away with a couple of mil. That's why all of us are "cafeteria Christians."

Kingdom of Heaven reviews are in and it looks like this is one super spectacular Ridley Scott tour de force. Like most Hollywood epics, the more you know about history the less likely it is you'll like the movie. Orlando Bloom? Two nine year old girls were in the back seat of an SUV the other day pawing over People Magazine. When they got to an Orlando Bloom piece they began drooling and ahhhing. Orlando Bloom was their idea of bliss, heaven, and all things holy. They concluded their Bloom segment when one of them said in the most heartfelt tone you ever heard, "I want to be rich and famous more than anything in the world." "Me too," said the other. Which means nine year olds will flock to this movie, pull their parents with them, and make Soctt rich(er). Hey, it's only a movie.

I'd only add the observation that Bloom is hardly the idea of masculinity. Instead, he is sexually non threatening, an androgynous boy band lead singer in a movie lead. Just the kind of moon eyed weakness that nine year olds love. What would you expect from a guy named Orlando? A further examination of the idocy and propaganda of the movie is HERE.