
I always like to link to places in the clouds over the weekend. A blog I like, so I read it most every week and one that I call "Hollywood Screenwriter who Believes in God," site they (or she) calls the Church of the Masses, has a very interesting, but long, post up right HERE. She and her pals are involved in something that takes real tits, or vagina, or clit or whatever we call balls when men do it. And they are putting themselves on the line. See what you think. I think it is a worthy endeavor. Warning: no porn, nude pix, or purient writing. I guess their slogan is: If we do not make room for the good God, mankind will make himself a bad one.

Like I said, not exactly lite reading while you smoke a joint.

As you may be thinking: no, if I had a sex life worthy of the name I would not be cruising esoteric websites. If you have a babe around you'd be better off paying attention to her than linking to places I suggest. I'm also cleaning my apartment for the first time in a year and I never knew rats wouldn't eat shit until now. BTW: I cleaned an uncleanable naugahide type couch by using Oxyclean. It's magic.