
Hitchens fiskes NYT in a terrific piece at No Pasaran....

Good to know stuff like this because the lying scum at the NYT cares not a whisker if what they say is right or wrong and they have too much money to care about sagging circulation. BTW: If you have cable and get the Times produced, written, and narrated History Channels, Science Channels, and a few others, you better note the revisionist shit they are putting out on those programs. PC history, science (pro abortion all the time, pro stem cell research without a word of "the other side," you name it and these channels go Left of it). They actually did the Black Sox scandal---White Sox threw the 1919 series---and blamed economic forces, not the gamblers and players who were innocent pawns of the capitalist owners. The true background of the fix in which Arnold Rothstein, the inventor of investment options as a vehicle to cheat people, is great reading. I just know that some day the Times History etc. will discover that King Tut tried to give the people socialized medicine through the back door of providing the pyramid building work forces free medical care. I mean there are heiroglyphics taped to the pussy of Queen Nafertiti that prove it. Not only that, Nostradamus predicted the election of a blonde woman in her 60s as leader of a great power. The Times provides us with a ton of great shit. Get ready for a show titled "The U.S. Constitution, The Real Great Satan."