
Because blogger is still having internal problems, (now cured) try this stupid little game. You will be amazed how you just can't beat a game for six year olds.

But seriously, I am forced to support Commie Robert Redford and his agit-prop Sundance Network with my money because my cable company refuses to place his Left Wing propaganda channel in a pay per access category. I have written them, but so have hundreds of others. Anybody have an idea what we can do? The bastards even put one the world's most unpopular propagendists, Al Franken, on the tube every night ON MY FUCKING DIME.

And did Chirac with his awful mouth give London the Olympic Games? I'll bet it had a hell of a lot to do with it. He may be revealing himself as one of the most petty, and therefore dangerous, elected political figures in history. Remember, he stabbed Colin Powell in the back on Iraq. Now that France is faced with real problems with Islamist elements he needs a foreign power to attack. But not one that will bomb France back into the stone age.

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