
The dollar explodes overnight. While this is a continuation of a trend that I've been talking about since January and interest rates are rising, do not discount the chaos in EU economies. The strong dollar will adversely affect our manufacturing, hence our employment will go down, something that eliteist Greenspan and his pals don't give a shit about. It's hard to believe that Chiraq is as stupid as his Brit bashing leads us all to believe. It may be that the EU is talking the EC down. Chiraq:

"The only thing they [Britain] have contributed to European agriculture is the mad cow," the president said. Britain's cuisine was also the second worst "after Finland", he added.
The EU boasts of 20 million unemployed, industrial stagnation, and ever increasing Muslim populations not much interested in assimilation, just like the Mexicans swarming into our country.

The "good" side is that foreign investment will soar. The stock and bond markets will take off big time as foreign savings that is reluctant to invest in a stagnating Europe, a corrupt Chinese Communist regime, and a risky Indian economy will start jumping to the U.S. That won't do jack shit for the ordinary workers who will be laid off.