
The LA Times is horror struck by so many people believing in God, and by that I don't mean Zeus, Odin, Bacchus, the Rain God or any of the good old ones; you know, the ones who liked to fuck and get drunk. They mean that Jesus is on the prowl, even though only 14% of Americans don't believe in Him (to the LAT that means the really smart part of our elites). The Times piously(?) warns

"The McCarthy era is the last time this climate existed," says Simi Valley resident Stuart Bechman, co-president of Atheists United, a local affiliate of Atheist Alliance International.
McCarthy! Now that will stop Christians from shooting off their mouths, buying books the Times cannot stand, (in fact they won't even mention the title of Rick Warren's hugely successful, "The Purpose Driven Life" while pretending to give us the scoop), and actually going to church. Just one more hit piece for their vanishing readership.

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