

Simon, Bay, and many others are commenting on the alleged affluence of the jihadists and compare them to the 1960-70s "radicals." My comment:

Horowitz has run a zillion pieces regarding the "Red Diaper Babies" who are the offspring of 1930s hard core communists. In the U.S. this connection is almost a given, they learned their communism and urge for revolution from parents and grandparents. There are always the champaign socialists and the Dom PĂ©rignon revolutionaries in the West and some are in the current "revolutionary class." However, I don't think you'll find that the actual terror bombers in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Palestine are from that class. These guys are true believers, easy to point if it is local and there are Muslims and mosques handy; impossible to point long distance because they don't have the dedication or the ability to stick to something til it's done without constant personal re-enforcement.

As an added opinion:
the Brits are now pointing to the supposed sexual deviancies of the accused bombers. This is standard police bullshit, designed to shame and embarrass the targets of an investigation. All sex offenders have small dicks, all murderers have left a string of clues, and so on designed to spook the targets. I only say, don't take comfort in these Brit "revelations." If these guys really are serious the classifications won't work.

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