

Plot: “Munich.” Steven Spielberg directs this film about the aftermath of the 1972 Olympic terror attacks that killed eleven Israeli athletes. Munich’s screenplay is written by playwrite Tony Kushner ("Angels in America"), who has been quoted as saying: “I think the founding of the state of Israel was for the Jewish people a historical, moral, political calamity … I wish modern Israel hadn’t been born.” Now this is a Jew saying all this. A Jew, maybe THE Jew---Spielberg---is turning against Israel and America.

And so on. For a rundown on the onslaught of hate Bush, hate Amerca Hollywood output with appropriate pix. Go HERE for the post and a great site.

This onslaught of major Hollywood star studded Leftist propaganda will end the Iraq war and may end us as a meaningful world power. Check out the link. It's a shocker. There is a full court press by the Left and they absolutely control the media. The solution is presented on the site as well. My only contradiction here is that movies with an opposing point of view will never make it out of the current Hollywood and no star will appear.

Think about all this. Original referral from Malkin. Below is the poster from an upcoming Hate America pix called Jarhead."Welcome to the Suck???" Houston, we have a problem. Be absolutely sure you check out the entire site. He is one of the good guys. Clink on the pic above for a blow up.....


MaxedOutMama said...

No. It won't work. It would if the attacks hadn't happened in London, but not now.

All but the die-hard head-in-the-sanders are having to deal with the reality that these people really exist and really want to kill people.

Castro they can slobber over. Lenin they can pass off as a "good egg". But the uneasy consciousness that terrorism is a reality is cutting through the real Democrats. When the bomb explodes under your butt the "freedom-fighter" turns into a terrorist.

I think, though, that this will split the Democratic party. They'll lose the 10% on the hard left and pick up 25 % of the centrists. As soon as they can get themselves together and nominate a sensible president they'll win it back.

Anonymous said...

[ No. It won't work. It would if the attacks hadn't happened in London, but not now. ]

But perhaps Hollywood thinks the Anglo-American Left plus anti-Americans worldwide is a bigger audience than patriotic America and Britain.

After all, Michael Moore's stuff makes profits, as did "Troy" and Oliver Stone's "Alexander."

Not that I like that stuff.

OK Momma, that subway bomber movie will probably get canned, but a movie about a plot to invade I-rack in order to make gasoline very expensive ( an actor playing Dick Cheney in secret conclave with a posse of Shylocks, while Prez Bush happily rides his bike in the park), with a row-mance between a blonde babe and a handsome A-rab hero torn between lu-v-v and suicide bombing?

Oh, that movie will make a profit.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com

MaxedOutMama said...

Hollywood is probably right about the bigger audience, but boxoffice doesn't translate to votes. Furthermore, Chirac is about to be left swaying in the wind all by his lonesome in Europe. The tide of opinion in Europe is slowly shifting, because they have problems with homegrown attacks.

Michael Moore's idiocy might have made him money, but it didn't change people's opinions. The reason why this stuff sells so well is that the hardcore leftwing is desperately searching for validation and a sense of being in the majority. They love the experience of these films. It's like a rock concert for them. I ran into a DU thread on which people were comparing how often they had been to see Moore's film last year. Over 4 wasn't uncommon.

Anonymous said...

Everybody should go to the linked site. The guys can use all the support we can muster.....