

Some white bitch who actually lives in Louisiana says that white people were also rendered homeless and adrift but that the MSM refused to leave New Orleans to report it

I’m sorry if all the reporters are seeing are black faces but if they would take their cameras to places like Slidell, Mandeville, Metairie and CHALMETTE! they would see a several thousand white faces being affected by this. Most of the tip of the boot that is Louisiana south and east of Baton Rouge is under water. Those people are stuck too waiting for help, dying, but all the news people can focus on is the Superdome.
Sort of like the assholes staying in posh hotels in Baghdad, ain't it. She also claims that the cars we see parked after the water receeds might indicate that people with plenty of money didn't leave because they just didn't want to leave. Oh yeah, and there's this one too....
Two of the post-Katrina debit cards worth $2000 each were used to buy $800 Louis Vuitton handbags in New York. Just heard that on FoxNews. The reporterette said that the cards couln’t be used to buy alcohol, tobacco and firearms, but there were no other restrictions. Just remember, folks, that most of the people […]
Site has been linked on Left, Mostly Cajun..... I forget who tipped me to it, I started this post at 4:30AM PDT and then went to sleep. Oh, and there is this one, then I'll stop and make you go there.....

The ACLU setting up a feeding line.

People for the American Way helping in the shelters.

The NAACP doing any work whatsoever.

The American Atheist organization serving meals in the shelters.

Jesse Jackson directing traffic at the gas stations.

I could go on but you get my message. It’s the Christian people and others with love and compassion who do the work.

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