

Blue State refusal to help Katrina victims is disgusting. I didn't know about that until I started reading around again. Some of their actions seem to relate to the fact that Louisiana and Mississippi are Red States and deserve nothing. If true, it's really disgusting. In Redder than Red California, their legislature showed their compassion for Katrina victims by passing a gay marriage bill instead. BUT, now sit down: Blue State Massachusetts and their governor Mitt Romney are the exception to the Blue State indifference as they imported 2.500 refugees --- whoopsie, Romney is a piece of shit Republican; something must be wrong. It's Lefties who are compassionate and Republicans the rigid pricks. The MSM will keep reminding you in case you forget.

Getting back to reality: Air America is getting as smelly as New Orleans water. Al Franken himself is deeply involved in the scam. In fact every time he opens his mouth he gets deeper...... Michelle has most of it... Equalizer has more of it.

Everybody's jumping on FEMA for sending a plane to Charleston WVa instead of Carolina. It could have been the pilot you know, after all it is the pilot who decides where to go.

Very bad news over at FOX as it looks like Malone is ready to take it over only to be stopped by the Saudis. The Saudis? Yeah, the Saudi's have a lot of influence over there. A lot, if they want to use it.

Dr. Demarche is back
and has a very interesting piece regarding the Left massing for a blame the U.S. for Katrina assault, it's all caused by Global Warming. He was at a Lefty gathering and observed hearing the Lefty barrage:

This was all being said in a room not two miles from workshops in which the locals burn used tires to fire their kilns and heat their workshops. Ever smelled a burning tire, or seen the smoke those suckers throw off? Of course you haven't- you live in an industrialized society.
Demarche is a working diplomat who writes anonymously on the web.