
What pisses me off today? The tons of tax dollars being wasted picking up fucking dogs from New Orleans. Next, I'm still pissed about spending the tax money picking up the morons who refused an evacuation order.

What's pissing a lot of other people off today? The tons of welfare bums from New Orleans swamping their communities. Easy guys, just wait til they start stealing and killing. The New York Times and the rest of the Left will claim it's the (fill in the blank), but you can bet no one will be blaming the criminals who are doing what they have always done.

What SHOULD piss you off the most today? The fact that it was the newly constructed levees that busted in New Orleans, not the old ones. This leads one to suspect corruption in the contracting and building. Another triumph for the Mayor. Junkyard is breaking it as I write. Link there, it's well worth the read.

Why don't I link to charities to aid Katrina victims? I figure if you haven't donated by now you're just a prick and what will you see here to change you? United Way and Salvation Army, plus Red Cross can use some dough.

And if you haven't read this NRO piece you are missing one of the best pieces around. Proof piles up about the responsibility of both the Mayor and the Governess. They had a plan. They didn't have the decisiveness necessary to carry it out. Both knew the plan they had wouldn't save the lives of the poor. The Governess is the real bad actor in all this. She may stand for charges, and that is no shit. BTW, all knew that the Super Dome would not hold up BECAUSE IT FAILED BEFORE. Be sure you read.

Times-Picayune paper knew that the city and state's plan amounted to telling the poor "You're on your own," then turned to fix blame on the federal government when the crisis actually arrived. I have pulled their link down because they are joined with the corruption in the state and are blaming Washington D.C. Just another third rate rag among the other third rate rags.

As the WSJ joins in fixing most blame on New Orleans locals and the Governess you can be sure the rest of the media will turn up the fake heat on Bush. Nothing you haven't read before if you've been here and other blogs but interesting none the less

The actions and inactions of Gov. Blanco and Mayor Nagin are a national disgrace due to their failure to implement the previously established evacuation plans of the state and city
Good but not nearly as good as the aforementioned NRO piece, which is required reading.

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