
O'Reilley pretty well sums up the Katrina transgressions here....

The truth is this. Governor Blanco of Louisiana did have a disaster plan in place, did have enough state police and National Guard to secure a city the size of New Orleans, the plan had been rehearsed with the dopey mayor but didn't include the evacuation of the 150,000 people they knew couldn't evacuate by themselves. Blanco did not push for federal help soon enough. President Bush was 24 hours too slow in reacting to the disaster. Why? I don't know. And the head of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, seemed clueless for days. The worst IMHO is that Mayor Nagin was a day and a half late in issuing the evac order and then didn't back it up. Result is that the taxpayers are still paying to "rescue" a bunch of morons who wouldn't leave.

But Front Page has best current piece which lays out the actual "plan" and how it wasn't followed, even vaguely.....

all “Authority to issue evacuations of elements of the population is vested in the Mayor.” The document specifically states, “The person responsible for recognition of hurricane related preparation needs and for the issuance of an evacuation order is the Mayor of the City of New Orleans.”
Later on it points out that
FEMA Director Mike Brown began moving federal resources into New Orleans two days before the storm hit. Currently, some 8,500 active duty troops are serving in New Orleans. The chaotic situation created by Mayor Nagin’s herding people into the Superdome, without adequate provisions for the long haul, with the resultant murder, rape, and looting a byproduct of poor, or non-existent, planning. Governor Blanco also deserves blame for not calling in the National Guard to get the situation in hand earlier.
It is loaded with links, the actual "plan" that neither the esteemed governess Blanco nor the Black and Beautiful Mayor Nagin had the presence of mind to follow. Both of them panicked and lost their nerve. Read it, it's good.

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