
We are having some pretty big brush fires---30,000 acres and counting --- in various places around LA right now, temps in 90s humidity 13 and under. But you ought to hear the "victims" pissing and moaning about the government not saving them. The Fire Department is discriminating against them, rich people had their homes saved but theirs were left to burn, nobody cares, etc. etc. etc. And the news media is not fishing for blame the government complaints, these people just expect the government to save them. Keep in mind that these homes were built in areas that are insurance rated (ISO) 100% sure to burn, these people built there anyway and we the taxpayers pay for their insurance. Oh, and did I mention that these assholes have not left a RAGING FIRE in spite of mandatory evacuation orders? Once again YOU the tax paying suckers are going to pick up the tab for a bunch of self indulgent Lefty Socialists.

1 comment:

MaxedOutMama said...

It sounds quite frightening.

Your point is excellent.