
While Bush snoozes his poll numbers collapse, in part because the hard core of his base is against the flood of Mexicans streaming across our borders and he refuses to do anything about it. Per Rasmussen Reports:

Immigration Laws Seen as Threat to National Security and Economy

Seventy-six percent (76%) of American voters say it is too easy for people from other countries to enter the United States. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that just 11% take the opposite view and believe it is too hard.

The survey also found that 63% believe that "current immigration laws" are a threat to national security. Just 20% disagree. Sixty-two percent (62%) consider the laws a threat to the U.S. economy while 23% disagree.
There is a lot more. And no, Bush won't wake up because, believe it or not, he actually is awake right now.

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