
FOX News once again proves they are the biggest bunch of phonies on the planet. O'Reilly has been doing a number on Soros for a while now, revealing where his bank accounts are (overseas, safe from U.S. taxes while he campaigns for higher taxes; BTW that is what the Kennedy's do.). The FOX News site has not a word. Not one single word about their own story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the republicans had any brains as well as stones they would raise the rate on these stunts to 90%, just like the old time maximum democrat rate on income and make doing the Soros and Kennedy overseas trick a major felony with serious mandatory jail time. They would either have to pay or renounce US citizenship and leave the country, a win win situation.
The sweetest thing they could do ( the republicans) would be to do the above in context of major tax reform. one rate for all revenue ( income and capital gains, interest etc) of 15% with inflation adjustment and no deductions except for a large basic cost of living to protect the basic wage earners and elimainate non profit entities and eliminate the corporate income tax. pass through the after expense profits to the shareholders and tax the shareholders at the 15% rate. Just think of watching Ted Kennedy having a stroke on the Senate floor. Rove get with the program!