

There are reasons to believe that the American MSM learned to lie about the news from the French. The current reporting of the riots(?) (I use the question mark because real riots like we have in LA don't have scheduled starting times), never mention the "M" word even one time. These are not riots, they are a planned quasi-terrorist assault on the French "system." Muslim "youth" will continue to terrorize until the French cops do what the LA cops do: call in the National Guard and put down the rebellion with guns. For some typical Liberal chickenshit observations:

"The feeling of exclusion, illegal immigration and the high level of unemployment creates considerable problems," he said, asserting that "firmness, but also justice" was needed.
The unemployment rate in Muslim "ghettos" is 20%. The French have a "system" that won't allow any employer to fire anyone for anything so business doesn't hire anybody but relatives. Here's something that could have been stolen from the DNC playbook
"When an interior minister doesn't hesitate to use insulting terms, branding as 'rabble' communities which have the misfortune to be fragile and wanting to turn water-cannon on them, it is the image of the country that is tarnished."
And oh yeah, they blame everything on the police for insensitive enforcement of the law. On Halloween, a full ten days after the trouble started, the main police union described the riots as "guerrilla" violence, and they were excoriated for saying so. Chirac, always the tough guy, came out with this gem yesterday:
"Tempers must calm down. The law must be applied in a spirit of dialogue and respect."
Fucking liberals get what they deserve. Now for some good stuff right from the source via the always gritty No Pasaran. The "rioters" all have web sites and the web sites that talk trash like:
"screw the cops"; "too many brothers who did not live their life are in the cemetery;" "the cops will pay for this. If you need us in Clichy [suburb where the current riots started] we can come over. Gagny [which is another Muslim shithole suburb] is just next door;" "Clichy guy needs help to screw the cops;" "May God bless France because the war has begun."
These are not riots. These are not random poverty Blacks who can't read, write, talk, or chew gum. These are motivated soldiers. Be sure to check out No Pasaran, they have the goods and they identify what is going on as "The French Intifada."
French Intifada update: BTW, the "rioters" used real bullets against the cops last night

1 comment:

SC&A said...

The Intifada as a practical weapon has been legitimized.

Look for extortion, soon, coming to a French highrise near you.

via MOM, of course!