
LATE ADD 11/23: Oh, BTW: the OSM business "model" structures that thing so that bloggers actually pay OSM (in the form of giving up Blog Ads and agreeing to place OSM ads in a sidebar) for the "right" to post. Am I to believe that people like Michael Barone, Marc Cooper (great post up today), Jane Hall assistant professor at American University, Claudia Rosett, and a host of other high profile actual reporters cough up one single dime to those hustlers? Never. The ethics of the deal are just plain bogus.
Note to OSM, Roger Simon, and the rest of the Pajama Media. Changing your name won't help circulation. Your website sucks and nobody wants to read that shit; Case in point: lead story today is the super scoop (get ready for this news fans), Merkel voted in as Chancellor with the sub head, now get really ready: Compiled by OSM Staff in Barcelona. Jesus F. Christ! This is just one of those old magazines you pick up in the doctor's office. Plain bird cage lining in byte form. Many of the most popular web pages, newspapers, movies, and books have absolutely awful names---The Da Vinci Code anybody?---. It's the content, stupid. Doing something just for the money is the dumbest thing you can ever do in your life, and there is no reason on earth for Pajamas etc. other than the almighty dollar; or in their case, almighty penny. Simon is just another Hollywood fake caught up in his own self importance and selling it to the unwary in typical Hollywood style. Change the name to "Fuck You Just in Case" (or even better, the tried and true "Teenage Sluts dot com") and it might draw a hit or two, but the content better be good or nobody will come back. Oh, the picture above? It was secretly taken at a GOP Senate Leadership meeting and has nothing --- and everything --- to do with OSM.

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