

A recipe for violence toward "them."

At the beginning of my work life I toiled at a company that was suddenly seeing bad times. The reasons for the "slump" were obvious to all of us; clueless management, product that sucked when compared to the competition, and too many people in management, an overload which resulted in a bureaucracy that sedated the company.

But not to worrry. Management "solved" our problem. Who would have ever thought that our problem was actually the casual dress worn by the sales employees who basically worked the phones. Overnight we had to buy suits and ties and start wearing real shoes. Did it work? WTF do you think?

Just another way of saying that cosmetic changes mean nothing when what is under the makeup is decaying. So we get to France, a country that has at least ten coats of makeup and is about to add several more in order to "solve the problem." Get real, France.

The "problem" (and if this sounds too close to home, well it is) started about 35 years ago. Europe, and especially France, was humming. Companies were making money; so much money that they were running out of workers. Where to get them?

"We need them stupid so they don't go on strike every month. Where can we find an army of morons?"

"You know where, Mexico. No, the Americans are taking them all, and besides it's too far away. Africa? There are white people in Africa? Almost white? OK, let's get them."

So almost overnight Europe was full of Turks, Morrocans, Lybians and especially Algerians seeking and finding good jobs at what was, for them, good pay. They were doing the sweat work that the French wouldn't do (sound familiar?). The unemployment rate dropped below two percent. France made their work force full citizens, and their kids too. "Hey, join the club. Take your place in line for a lifetime of free medical care, guaranteed salary floor, paid vacations, free education for your kiddies, and affordable housing. Better than living in a tent and sniffing camel shit, no?"

Well here's a flash! About ten years ago France woke up to the fact that them great blue collar jobs done up and left. Run away to India, Koreea, and Chinkistan. Poof! Like that. But not to worry, we will fix things, and anyway we will keep paying you the same money not to work as you got when you had jobs. I have spent a lifetime looking in the help wanted ads for the one that said: "Lay around and make big money," and lucky for me I never saw that ad for my dream job. Nothing is worse than laying around doing nothing and getting paid for it. When somebody asks you what you do, how can you reply, "nothing" and live with yourself. You are declaring worthlessness. You begin to hate yourself

So the citizen children of these laid off workers are an entire generation with no skills, no interest in getting skills, and basically no interest in anything other than drugs, sex, and whatever coin they could pick up from stealing. And the government pays them to boot. When pushed they can fall back on a religion they don't practice until it is convenient.

Which brings us to the Koran, the crazy glue that welds everyone together. The Koran will excuse almost any behavior other than blasphemy. Working for a non-Muslim is bad, working to produce something that a fatwa doesn't like is bad, and so on. Digging a ditch in a Jewish neighborhood? Supplying heat to a synagogue? Working in any enterprise that supports the "Great Satan" (America), are you kidding? In other words the Muslim religion supplies many Holy reasons for not working. Their blind hatred of Jews, (link to synagogue burning) their antagonism toward any kind of government that is man made rather than God made, and lots of other things are tailor made to stir resentment. Stealing money from Jews deserves a medal. Raping some girl that has sex with somebody outside of the community simply follows custom, not French custom, but their tribal customs that are dredged up from an unknown past.

So we not only have a government subsidized indolence, but a sacred text and religion that dictates certain work to be against God. Is all this the "root" of the problem? Hell no. Nobody will ever figure out the "root cause." Blacks in America have contempt for education; Mexicans in America refuse to get health insurance because they can go to the emergency wards and get health care for free; Blacks sing and dance to a hip hop celebration of crime, rape, and drugs; Mexicans in Los Angeles are in the third generation of criminal gang membership.

While bad, we don't see a nation wide attack on our cities. Why? I don't know, I could give you a thousand currently accepted reasons, but I don't know. Why are the French Africans attacking their institutions? I don't know. And neither does anyone else. The usual liberal "solution" is to pour billions of tax dollars into the ghetto to improve things, the Left version of "throw enough shit against the wall and see what sticks." But a work force of uneducated dolts will not be able to take jobs in the government projects. Work has to be found for the unskilled AND that work has to pay big money.

Changing the French "model" economic system is not possible because the "retirees" who won't invest in the stock market are all on the government dole. Now THAT would bring down the government. Stay tuned.

See Jihad Watch for a list of "causes." All correct, and all wrong.


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