

OK, it's a holiday and I have time for this:
There are two parallel cosmos at work in the opinion world. They are the "blog-osphere" and the "fog-osphere." The latter "sphere" is populated by dreamers, people who see what they want to see, and some all around sweet people without a clue. Everybody visits the fogosphere from time to time and launches a column or web posting from that polyanna universe that will rationalize everything from child molesting to socialism (there is a minor difference between the two). The oh so sweet Peggy Noonan visits this fogosphere often and last Wednesday's hazy view of the MSM is her latest nicey nice ode to the awful MSM people who she says are well intentioned, really nice, or just misunderstood. Yesterday the usually hard nosed Charles Krauthammer launched himself into ditsyville from whence he authored a column that thrashes about in a fantasy land regarding the requests to impeach George Bush.

Let's get real here. The guy who created Kos, one Markos Moulitsas ZĂșniga, created the site to create what he calls "noise." This term means that he exists to create "noise" about subjects near and dear to Lefties who want to win an election. ZĂșniga is the one who has led the charge to impeach Bush, to demand his readers write letters to every pollster in the universe requesting polls on the subject, and to phone talk shows requesting the same. This "noise" has been picked up by all the usual suspects who are now making a discordant cacophany for impeachment in every media. The purpose is to create a rude chorus so loud that the completely clueless Republicans will lose in '06 and not understand why.

The only way to drown out noise is with more noise and not, as clueless Bush did over the Iraq war until it was almost too late, turn the other cheek just knowing that reason will prevail. The truth of that stupid philosophy is best stated by the aphorism: "Turn the other cheek and you'll get hit with the other fist." This shows that Bush had a much too long a visit in the "fogosphere" and almost blew everything.

Recognize the "impeach Bush" noise for what it is and do some writing, call some talk shows, and raise some hell yourselves. Write to Noonan and Krauthammer in care of Ambrosia Manor, Happydale, KS and request copies of their commitment papers.

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