
.....And This:

Because I'm pissed that Adelphia jacked up my cable TV rates I checked into getting Direct TV, a deal that requires I also get DSL. So to completely check costs I called my local phone thieves, SBC. I found that AT&T has purchased SBC so they are now called AT&T. I call the local office and am put into a string of recordings, none of which will answer two questions: do you provide a modem and an ethernet card, and/or do I have to buy them and what are the costs. Then I emailed them the questions. They replied with several links to their web pages that don't answer the questions either.

Following the Peter Lynch stock advice: either short AT&T, sell what AT&T stock you own, and/or stay with Adelphia and learn to enjoy being fucked.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Howard, sorry you had a bad experience on finding out the details on getting DSL service. I'm a long time reader of your site and also work for SBC (now AT&T) so perhaps I can be of assistance. First, SBC purchased AT&T and the CEO of SBC decided that the AT&T name was a better known "brand" and so we took on the name of the company we acquired. Most of us low level managers think this was a pretty dumb move but hey the big paychecks don't check with us on the stupid moves they make. Second, we'll provide the DSL modem for you but you'll have to purchase your own ethernet card for your PC. Third, you're better off calling the local SBC business office and talking to a rep if you choose to get the DSL and DISH TV packages (BTW, we've partnered up w/Dish network, not Direct TV). The SBC Internet sites aren't very customer friendly, but hey, you're dealing with the phone company and we're burdened with a 100-years of bad attitude and regulations that are more appropriate to the 1930's than today. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family and hopefully you'll continue to blog as I too am one of your regular readers. Best to you whatever you end up doing.

Howard said...

Thanks, but one bout with SBC AT&T is plenty for me. I had real trouble with AT&T back in the dial up days; believe it or not they would not allow me to cancel. Rgw REFUSED to disconnect me. At least with Adelphia a human being answers the phone every time.