

Catching on: the Left hooligans of the 60s were tagged the Red Diaper babies, so called because most of their parents or grandparents were communists during the 30's.

Now many on the Right are calling the current crop, White Flag Democrats,so called because their parents dodged service in Viet Nam and it was their "generation" that cut and ran from there. White Flag Democrats? It sure works for me.


Anonymous said...

"Most" of their parents were communists? Care to provide proof of that? The current crop of protestor's parents were draft dodgers huh? Kind of like Daddy Bush pulling strings for Dummy Bush in the National Guard. Do your homework, most Democrats serving in office served in the military while most Republicans have not. Why do you think that is? Because republicans are arm-chair patriots who don't know what war is.

Anonymous said...

Righties won't talk about Iraq directly in their blogs because they know they messed it up. Thousands have died as a result. The "cut and run" nonsense is just a distraction that allows righties not to think about the thousands they have killed.