
I have quoted former super spy Herb Meyer many times on this blog. His video that he made last year is taking off like, oh hell like a whore at a church social. It's called The Siege of Western Civilization and lots of blogs and webzines are plugging it today. In a perfect world this DVD would be on TV so we could all see it, but because liberals control the media you will have to pay $19.95 to see it. It's not easy to buy right now because everybody is buying it. One more monster "fuck you" to the liberal media. This WND piece by Rebecca Haglin is as good as any to let you in on the contents. Just let me remind you that Meyer, alone of all the spooks, called the collapse of the Soviet Union based on what he saw during one single trip; of course nobody listened; well nobody but a moron named Reagan. A terrific old essay in NRO that he wrote is HERE. Herb is at the very top of the deck. A compendium of all his articles is HERE. He stands with Victor David Hanson.

Today's required reading: Heather MacDonald's piece HERE. She is at least as good as Rosett. Today she examines the Left bias of our nation's law schools and professoriat.

1 comment:

Kim du Toit said...

By the way, that Rebecca Hagelin is a total babe...