

A comment on Hillary's disgusting warrior pose designed to get all of us to think she supports the military. Malkin has most of the stuff including the rebuttals, but the main one that caught my eye is the weight of the new armor those 60s chickenshits say they want the military to wear. Hillary and the rest of her 60s draft dodging pals think that adding even more weight than the 75 pounds they already carry through 130 degree desert heat is something every combat soldier desperately wants. I didn't want to lug twenty pounds in boot camp, especially when they took us to Death Valley (this was before class action law suits). All I can tell you is that everyone in combat wants to be light, wants the freedom to move, the ability to run at warp speed. Life saving armor weighing more than 75 pounds is the stuff dreamed up by the gutless draft dodgers who comprise the "soul" of the Democratic Party.

Solution? Do what the Greek hoplites did back in the really really old days. Have whores and servants around to carry the armor til the shooting starts and then let the whores help you put it on, especially the special steel dick armor. Guys would want to get into combat and then fuck their armor carriers. The chances are good that no ready to kill and fuck modern warrior will get their dicks blown off.

Just a suggestion. Got a new digital camera and will spend much of the next two days learning how to work the fucking thing so blogging, if any, will be light.

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