
Overheard at Rehab Center:
"They ought to have confirmation hearings for Senators....."
"How many other people in countries other than Turkey had Bird Flu and lived?"
"If I was Iran I'd tell everybody to fuck off too....."

The smart guys blasting pay radio and Howard Stern do not understand how much some of us HATE the fucking commercials. We will pay ANYTHING to be free of them.

And from that mental institution known as The Los Angeles Times there is this regarding Alito:

Can He Protect Us From the President?
By Edward Lazarus
Or have Bush's power grabs doomed Alito's nomination?

Tip: visit I Steve once a week. He's got a lot of interesting stuff up right now.
And Kim Du Toit has a terrific essay and observations about rights. Do yourselves a favor and go there now.

And without further ado, my SLUT OF THE DAY Double click on the pic.....

Courtesy of I Don't Like you in That Way


Anonymous said...

The only time I've listened to XM or Sirus satellite radio they both had commercials.

Anonymous said...

Wow doesn't she look like Anne Bancroft of "the Graduate" movie fame with Dustin Hoffman. Straight out of the sixties.