
Notes on a Zig Zag paper.... From Commentary:

Somehow the Democratic Party -- for 180 years the most electorally successful political party on the planet -- has now almost completely mutated into a party too loathsome to be seen in public, and too nihilistic to be trusted with control of even a single branch of government.
Read the entire piece by Tony Blankly here. I'm afraid he's right.

Just in case
you haven't read about the hopelessly corrupt Jack Murtha anywhere else, go here for a disgusting rundown on both Jack for being a corrupt bum for the past twenty years, and the media for conspicuously ignoring his corruption. Of course Murtha is a Democrat but that isn't why the Left Media......oh, never mind.

Iran nukes...............guys lots smarter than me (link is to India
Times) are saying that the real Iran nuke threat lies in the never ending fued between Sunni and Shia in the Middle East. Sunnis will never allow Shia Iran to dominate them and the suggestion is being made that the recent trip to China by the Saudi honchos was for the purpose of an oil for nuclear under the table deal. The long long long piece in the India Times reminds us that Muslims in India see themselves as Indians first and Muslims second and that the Saudis are seeking some practical alliances.

Algore is not as crazy as the Unibomber, but he's close. For proof go here.....

If a Terrorist Army hasn't snuck across the Mexican Border by now they never will. If, as suspected, one percent of the illegal crossings are Muslims, there are enough of them here to be at least as dangerous as MS 13 only with bombs and an even worse attitude. My bet? Nobody has snuck across because as easy as it seems to get from Iraq to Mexico, just try it some time when you can't speak Spanish. So if you spot someone looking sort of Middle Eastern at a Taco Bell in your area there is an 800 number to call, and you can bet it is tapped and it will be YOU that is arrested.

After all is said and done Bush is STILL an incompetent manager, administrator, and president. Read this at Power Line and ask yourself WTF is in charge here.

Found: a use for a newspaper. I am supposed to take a few kids to a movie and tried to find showtimes for Narnia. No way on the web unless you tell them what theatre and what zip code. So I buy a cage lining and Bingo, just like that. BTW, Yahool flat out stinks.


Anonymous said...

I am supposed to take a few kids to a movie and tried to find showtimes for Narnia. No way on the web unless you tell them what theatre and what zip code. So I buy a cage lining and Bingo, just like that. BTW, Yahool flat out stinks.

Sounds like a web business opportunity to me.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com

Anonymous said...

Amazon has showtimes. Put in a zip code and it supplies showtimes and theatres

Howard said...

That's my point: who knows the zip codes of people twenty miles away in a big city? It turned out that the kids didn't want to see it so I rented a couple of pornos and let the kids play outside.