
TV Sports: I just don't get NASCAR. I kept switching back to the Daytona 500 and the same cars, or cars that looked like the same cars, were circling the track. However, I did watch the last twenty minutes and that part was good. It's like an NBA game where you catch the last five minutes.

Olympics: shrug........ I'm glad I have Adelphia On Demand because I'm watching the last two years of The Sopranos that I missed. Watching a bunch of foreigners with names like Otto and Swen go down hills with sticks on their feet doesn't get to me either. If naked chicks were sking down a mountain I'd watch.

And be sure to check out Power Line today. If there is any doubt in your mind that the America hating extreme Left represents the heart of the Domcratic Party, this entry WITH SOURCES (WTF are they, you at the MSM might ask) will awaken you to the truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In NASCAR, unlike the NBA, you have the possibility of a spectacular crash. That's the reason people watch.

It would be to cold for naked chicks to ski unfortunately.....
