
An addition to my consumer alert regarding Jardin Direct. This AM I received a USPS tracking number, which is a week after they told me there wasn't one. Just the facts.

The LA Times, believe it or not, has a very good piece about the politics of the CIA up today. I still say the late Senator Moynahan was right more than a decade ago when he said the CIA had outlived its usefulness and should be shut down.

And this one at Power Line is a must read regarding the attempts in Minnesota to surpress ads run by former military people. One more item of proof that the Left is basically a fascist Left and not a liberal left. Nobody in the MSM has uttered a peep. So what else is new?

Next we have "Crunchy Cons"
(book title at all the usual places) as a description of a new kind of Conservatism. "Crunchy Cons" is a term like "Granola Heads" on the left, but is coined because it is catchy and because it is a different view of the world. Take a look at this piece in today's WSJ; you might want to buy this book. A slap at Shopping Mall Conservatives, Left Wing Libertarians, and just lazy intellectuals.

Little or no blogging today....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Crunchy Cons"... same old statism, but this time from the right instead of the left:

"In Mr. Dreher's view, consumer-crazed capitalism makes a fetish of individual choice and, if left unchecked, "tends to pull families and communities apart." Thus consumerism and conservatism are, for him, incompatible"

So he wants to tell people what to do "for the good of their souls" instead of "for the good of Gaia." Small difference. Authoritarians are still authoritarians, whether they come from the left or the right.