
CBS socked with $3.6M fine for teen sex show
The show (not a live news shot) had live teen actors "pretending" to have sex, group sex, and other "good times." The defense? CBS is claiming that the show "featured an important and socially relevant story line warning parents to exercise greater supervision of their teenage children."

Is there a person with half a brain that doesn't already know that? We have to see a pretend teen orgy acted out by presumed under aged actors to be "taught" that? Cutting to the chase: CBS made the filthiest show they could get away with in order to draw an audience not able to log onto a porn site that night.

Not only is Hollywood and CBS "defining decency down," but it is also just another example of Hollywood's self proclaimed artists proving that they are exactly like a character in a Checkov play who is described thusly after one of the characters inquires if the off stage writer is any good. "Not really. He writes about things intelligent people already know about and that stupid people don't care about."

If that ain't the current Hollywood artistic community, what is?