
This post from Libertas says it all about the next year or two future for Hollywood. Cutting to the chase: the piece explains why Hollywood can tell Red State America to shove it and forego any revenue from Heartland America, and that Hollywood will be saved by cheaper to make movies. Duh......

As a regestered old fart I can guarantee you that I've heard this line at least three times, all uttered after a few disasterous years at the box office. I particularly remember it being shouted from the rooftops after Cleopatra (the Liz Taylor version) crashed and burned taking most of Fox with it. Movies got cheap(er) for about a year and a half. Movies have always been the medium that took us to places we didn't know about or in many cases even dream about, and as there are fewer and fewer of those mystery places movies can no longer fill that function.

Cheap ain't gunna cut it.