
Re; LA students walk out.....I was in Chatsworth eating lunch and looked out of the restaurant window and saw about a hundred or so kids---seventh or eighth grade with dark skin and looked to be Mexican---walking along the sidewalk two abreast with two WHITE teachers behind the line so nobody could go into the street and get killed. There were two Mexican flags being waved and not a single American flag. AND there were three police cars creeping along with the little shits to see that they didn't get hurt. This is the Left urging the illegals to demonstrate.

But the Mexicans, as is usual around here, are stupid. These highway and street clogging tactics, mainly by students who should be in school learning to read, can only work to get people pissed off at them. It was the moronic leadership of the Mexicans that caused the state to pass the proposition 187 on the ballot a few years ago that was anti-illegal. The LA Times is doing its level best to lie about the rallies---marches, truant class cutting---claiming it's an "All American" protest, completely ignoring the preponderance of Mexican flags, more than just a few signs demanding re-conquista, and the participation of the usual Left subjects.

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