
Those phony illegals demonstrations are covered by Kim as well as anyone...

George Carlin once did a routine where he actually said the fifty or so words "you can't say on television." He said all the sexual words, synonyms for body parts and functions, and a few others and he got good laughs. Not included in his rant were the words: nigger, faggot, feminist bitch, slope, towel head, Mexican piece of shit, and lots of others that you really cannot say and that he would never say.

Hammorabi has been a good blogger for a while, but he has turned completely anti-American. His blog calls us occupiers and thugs.

As a counter read to yesterday's about Iraq and reports of Americans slaughtering helpless Iraqi parisioners, Bill Roggio is a must read today.

As an add to the illegals demonstrations I posted yesterday, go to Malkin today for pictures of Mexicans (not Americans) deliberately debasing the American flag --- comes with pictures too. Like I observed yesterday, these people are flat out stupid. AND MEXICAN, not American.


Anonymous said...

Like I observed yesterday, these people are flat out stupid. AND MEXICAN, not American.

If anyone out there thinks smarter people inevitably win, answer this question:

Who was smarter in the 5th century A.D., Romans or barbarians?

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com

MaxedOutMama said...

In this case, it's the illegals on the streets. Howard's right. They are totally destroying their own cause.