

Most of us are the offspring of immigrants circa mid to late 1800s to early 1930s. My great great grandfather was a bum with no skills whatsoever who fled some pogrom or other in "old Europe" hoping for anything he could find in the USA. He would have found some way to get here no matter the barriers put in his way; so would millions of others like him with no skill and no "qualifications" but a willingness to work his ass off. While he didn't go to school, his kids did, and his kid's kids went to college. Same can be said for the illiterate animal Irish (my mother's side), Italians, Germans, and all the rest of us. My family tree indicates that my male Irish guy jumped ship in Boston Harbor (he was wanted for stealing food in starving Ireland) and made his life here.

If you lived here in SoCal you'd see a hundred or so "illegals" standing at lumber yards and paint stores all around our cities waiting to be picked up for some day labor by one of us gringos, just like my great great grandfather must have done eons ago. The most they get from us is $15 per hour cash and they will be at the same place the next day hoping somebody will come by and pick them up again. It's a tough life for people who don't want to do anything but work. And it's very tough for most of us to do anything but respect them because, unlike blacks, they dam well want to work.

It will never come to pass that we will stand by and watch a forced repatriation of people who are just like my great great grandparents. They are me a hundred and ten years ago. So I will bitch and moan about "illegals" like everyone else, but I don't have the gut resentment to kick them out and return them to a life they cannot tolerate.


Anonymous said...

So, did your grandfather come over & start waving the Irish flag??
I think you might want to reconsider your argument, which has also been used to justify slavery & child labor.

The "standard of rebellion" has been raised.*

*(See Gibbons "Decline & Fall" & others re. details)

Anonymous said...

And just as an aside, they really are "sick" as well. Types of TB, polio and other diseases that this country hasn't seen for decades are being brought across the borders by illegals from every country. We have diseases from Africa here now that most doctors won't even recognize until after the autopsy is done.