
Are Michael Ledeen and me the only ones who think the captured Zarqawi "documents" are a fake? Not even the Left Wing MSM is questioning the obviously phony docs. BTW, look up the name Michael Ledeen on Google. Nothing but hit pieces and smears.


Anonymous said...

Not so. Check out Abu Aardvark's blog and the foreign correspondents for the Washington Post that he cites.

Anonymous said...

Did you see page 3: "The man Bush and the man Rumsfeld... and Cheney... they've got us by the balls. The insurgency is collapsing. Those Republicans really know what they're doing... it is our great calamity that they ignored their generals and didn't bolster their troop levels early on... damn them all. When the infidel Americans realize how Bush has his boot on our throat, his poll numbers should go up... deservingly." Yes, page three was pretty good. I thought this thing was fishy from day one. Glad you concur Howard. WF.