
Suppose you went to an NBA Championship game where the best players in the world displayed their skills; spectacular shooters, dribblers, passers, and teams. Suppose the final score was 4-2 or 2-0, would you ever go back? Well folks, that is World Cup Soccer. A game where a team of spectacular players from Brazil can only generate one goal over a three hour 90 minute period of time. Soccer is a bore. A crashing, crushing, suffocating waste of talent and time. Response to a comment regarding the "boring" American Gridiron Football game: the scores of the '06 bowl season are, Rose 41-38; Pure Vision 35-28; Hawaii Bowl 49-48; and so on. In fact almost every bowl game had eight touchdowns and point spreads between 1 and six points. Soccer?


Kim du Toit said...

It's not 3 hours, but 1.5 hours.

3 hours wherein the ball is only kicked half-a-dozen times is called GRIDIRON football.

Just thought I'd point that out.

Howard said...

OK OK, 90 minutes just seemed like three hours; in fact ten minutes of people standing around and kicking a ball that goes nowhere seems like three hours. And our football? Rose Bowl had 8 touchdowns, long runs, long passes and so on. In fact every bowl game had lots of scores and long runs. Soccer will never make it in this country because we like action. However, if soccer changed the off side rule to allow breakaways it could be different, it has helped hockey.

Anonymous said...

Soccer is an excellent game for women, girls, small boys, and foreigners.

... Maybe they could score more if they made the nets bigger.


Kim du Toit said...

The problem, Howard, is that while you see an under-performing Brazilian team who could only score ONE goal, I see a magnificent, tigerish defense by an underdog team who were tipped by the bookies to lose by at least three.

THAT'S the excitement of football; underdogs holding off, and sometimes even beating a heavy favorite.

Much better, especially compared to the neo-socialist NFL draft which strives to make all teams "equal" each year so that each team can have a "chance" to get to be champions.

Points are irrelevant: they're for the ignoramas. The most exciting NFL football match I ever watched was in (I think) 1987, where the 49ers and Bears played to a 10-9 score (Bears): incredible feats of offense stymied by a rock-hard defense -- and that was the ENTIRE game, depending on who had the ball.

If you want to see points scored, watch Arena Football, or the vile NBA, where you might as well just play 15 minutes, because EVERYONE knows that it's only the fourth quarter which counts.

Football (okay, soccer) is the Beautiful Game. All the others are manufactured activities by, and for, advertisers.