

The Tet offensive in Vietnam was a Viet Cong failure....to everyone but the anti-military and anti American press. It was they that spun the story in both word and pictures so it seemed that the Viet Cong had won. The whole world believed the liars in the press and the public pressured our government to seize defeat from the jaws of victory.

Similarly, the world press has done all it can to lie about the result and motives of the Israel Lebanon war so that the Terrorist Street believes that they kicked Israel's ass. More and more it becomes obvious that the Hizbollah "victory" over Israel is going to cause us the most trouble ever. Terrorists are demanding, and getting, huge leverage in both Palestine (we will long for the day of that good guy Arafat) and Syria. In a long piece in the Jeruselum Post a woman named Caroline Glick spells everything out pretty well....

So while all eyes are glued on Lebanon, the Palestinians may well start the next war. And we know exactly how that war will look. They will use missiles, mortars and rockets that they will smuggle in from Egypt to kill Israelis in their homes in the South. They will infiltrate Israeli cities by digging tunnels under the security fence around Gaza, and from Egypt and from towns and cities in Judea and Samaria and murder us in ever growing numbers. They will receive money, weapons and combat instruction from Hizbullah and Iranian operatives in Gaza and abroad and they will attack us while protesting their everlasting dedication to jihad and their anger over Israel's "aggression."
It is obvious that the real war is between us and Iran and Syria and Bush has failed miserably to identify same. I think either Israel is toast or we will have to intervene with overwealming force in order to save them. Save them for how long, is the problem. Read her article, she nails it pretty well.

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