

WIESBADEN, GERMANY - Two suitcases containing bombs and found on trains in Germany were likely to have formed part of a terrorist plot, German investigators said Friday. Bombs were set to go off at the same time.

NORTHERN CHINA-----Worst drought in fifty years has wiped out millions of acres of crops, at least a million hogs and cattle have died, meaning that commodity prices for all of us will go up, big.

FRENCH GOVERNMENT---Under the banner of Air France, will buy out the failing AlItalia Airline airline if Italian energy group Enel forgets about French group Suez.

I've been home for most of this week and found that (ugh, vomit) CNN has the news while FOX parades their endless Hannitys and Gretas who do no news at all. BTW, Euro papers are climbing all over the French proposal to send only 400 engineers to the Middle East.

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