
Attn New Time Warner Cable customers(?) . These phony baloney jerk offs are taking the NFL channel off their lineup and will put it into a special "sports package," and charge us more money to get it. The reason given? It's all for us naturally so we don't have to pay for channels we don't want. I've been trying to stop Redford's Commie channel for at least a year because I object to subsidizing the clear politics of the content and I must. I almost never watch the Black Entertainment Network, yet I'm forced to pay for it. We are charged so we can see five Spanish Language channels, several Asian language channels, and that stupid Women's Channel. I could go on, but after telling us that nothing would change after they took over for Adelphia, they will make changes and make more money.

Corporate Liars? Oh no, not them. Cable monopoly should be eliminated. Why don't I write to complain? It is virtually impossible to contact them without filling out an endless form (so I can be put on some goddam list), but I did it and it took ten minutes to fill out the form.


Howard said...

Direct TV is not available where I live because I don't have a location that is suitable.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're bothering to complain. Do what I did almost fifteen years ago and give them back their fucking cable box. If you're that much of an idiot box addict then get a dish.

As far as I'm concerned there's nothing worth watching that isn't already on ABC, NBC, CBS, WB, FOX or PBS that I can't get at Netflix. I watched all the episodes of Deadwood, one right after the other for about $20. The cable nazis can kiss my ass.

Anonymous said...

I gave up TeeVee several years ago. No cable, no video, no local channels. Nothing.

WOW! I have so much time do to other more enjoyable activities, like surf Oraculations.

Seriously, tv is so very anti-male, anti-freedom, anti-America, why waste your time with it?