
I have become a daily reader of Melanie Phillip's terrific blog. Take a trip over there and I think you will be impressed with her brain and her ability to communicate the intricacies of the current battle with Islam. Of course, if you've got a brain yourself you will come away from her site totally pissed off.

But thinking.....

"Liberals aren't having so much fun now that the rabbit has the gun," so says Ann Coulter in a column lefties just hate more than anything. I think it's almost all true, and quite funny.

Who paid for the $185 million in improvements, repairs, and reconstruction of the Superdome--the office of millionaires, billionaires, and gazillionaires? Why all the suckers who donated Katrina money, natch. Schussel lays it out there today in a blow by blow tally of how we all got screwed so the heavy hitters could watch a mediocre team get creamed every week.

Sports??? or is it hypocrisy? I speak of the self centered preening so-called "reporters" who claim they face jail FOR REFUSING TO REVEAL SOURCES. This is a lie. They face jail for taking leaked information from a Grand Jury, a felony. Our legal system is the lynch pin of our democracy, but these narcisstic "reporters" think they are above the law, that it is just their "job" to tamper with a Grand Jury. I hope they rot in jail.

Tonight Rosh HaShanah begins, a time when American Jews can thank their lucky asses they live in America....

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