
If this is a ‘war on terror’, I dread to think what surrender would look like.
Melanie Phillips, she of the book, Londonistan, has a steel wool bath for Bush, his support of terrorist states in the UN, and the failure of the UN...

All civilised countries should now eject themselves from the UN. The disgraceful scenes of Ahmadinejad being treated this week as an esteemed member of the world community as he took the UN stage graphically illustrated the fact that the UN is not merely useless — it is the global Club of Terror, effectively run by, and in thrall to, tyrannies and corrupt despotisms which outnumber those member states that uphold human rights.
The post is HERE. She is reminding me once again that Bush stinks. I still think the GOP is better than the Democrats but that's like saying that dying of cancer is better than living with one of my ex-wives......

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