

Time is 1:45 PDT and MSNBC just announced that ABC under attack from the Clintons and former Clinton Administration hacks have made MAJOR cuts in Path to 9/11.......may not be true, MSNBC is not exactly the place one goes to get up to the minute facts.

LA Times
now reports same. Apparently a ton of "liberal groups" climbed all over ABC and they caved.

The Center for American Progress Action Fund, a liberal advocacy group, said on Wednesday it had collected 25,000 letters asking ABC to either correct or cancel the miniseries. "The miniseries presents an agenda that blames the Clinton administration for the 9/11 attacks while ignoring numerous errors and failures of the Bush administration," the center said in a news release.
The threat of license loss should the Democrats win the House in November probably swung it. Liberals have no guts anyway. Clinton wins again. To me the total difference between him and Bush couldn't be more apparent: Clinton will never take anything, Bush just lies down. Entire original movie will probably be on U Tube by tonight, tomorrow for sure.

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