
Duke Lynch Mob Case: Duke Women's Studies Department links to the below absurdity:

“White innocence means black guilt. Men’s innocence means women’s guilt.”
The "opinion" continues: Since “justice,” claimed Holloway, “inevitably has an attendant social construction,” judgments about the lacrosse case “cannot be left to the courtroom.” Instead, it seems, Duke’s women’s studies faculty must serve as the final arbiters of the truth.
The Duke women’s studies program includes 18 faculty members—of whom 13, or 72.2 percent, signed the Group of 88’s (condemnation of accused Duke students statement below**) The only academic work listed on the program’s homepage is Holloway’s article, which appeared in the summer 2006 edition of Scholar and Feminist Online.
Note that the faculty at Duke continues to support the "victim," (one of more than 1,000 pictured below left) viewing the accused students as "perps." Women's Studies departments around the country are nothing more than anti-American and anti-white male academic frauds. NY Post today asked, in lieu of the "incidents at Miami (football team riot), and Columbia (mob action against speakers) if any college president has courage. I say "no." What all of them want is cocktail party approval from their peers, all of whom share exactly the same opinions about everything. Sickening article appears HERE with lots more stuff about a Women's Study Department that is anything but.

**The statement dated from April 6, when 88 members of Duke’s arts and sciences faculty signed a document saying “thank you” to campus demonstrators who had distributed a “wanted” poster of the lacrosse players and publicly branded the players “rapists.” (Typical Duke sex fiend at left, ready to pounce) The rush to judgement denunciation occurred only four days before the DNA evidence that Mike Nifong had promised would “immediately rule out any innocent persons” instead revealed no matches.

1 comment:

Roux said...

This entire case is absurd and Nifong should be impeached and disbarred for his actions. I wonder what would have happened had the team been black and the hooker/stripper been white?