The naked and direct threat of govenment punishment by legislation to a private business made by Senators John D. Rockefeller IV and Her Rino-ship, Senator Olympia Snowe should send that creepy feeling up and down everyone's spine. This is what we get with Democrats and it's always OK because it's business they are going after. I don't know if they can be stopped, but there is another election in two years. These people are fascists by nature, bully government thugs by inclination, and power happy to the extreme. And they aren't even in office yet. Those lazy Republican crooks will do nothing if their palms are greased, but we already knew that. The New KGB senators have told Exxon president that should he exercise his freedom of speech they will get him.
We are writing to appeal to your sense of stewardship of that corporate citizenship as U.S. Senators concerned about the credibility of the United States in the international community, and as Americans concerned that one of our most prestigious corporations has done much in the past to adversely affect that credibility. We are convinced that ExxonMobil's longstanding support of a small cadre of global climate change skeptics, and those skeptics access to and influence on government policymakers, have made it increasingly difficult for the United States to demonstrate the moral clarity it needs across all facets of its diplomacy.And just in case Exxon doesn't get it, they spell out the threat very clearly
While ExxonMobil's activity in this area is well-documented, we are somewhat encouraged by developments that have come to light during your brief tenure. We fervently hope that reports that ExxonMobil intends to end its funding of the climate change denial campaign of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) are true. Similarly, we have seen press reports that your British subsidiary has told the Royal Society, Great Britain's foremost scientific academy, that ExxonMobil will stop funding other organizations with similar purposes. However, a casual review of available literature, as performed by personnel for the Royal Society reveals that ExxonMobil is or has been the primary funding source for the "skepticism" of not only CEI, but for dozens of other overlapping and interlocking front groups sharing the same obfuscation agenda. For this reason, we share the goal of the Royal Society that ExxonMobil "come clean" about its past denial activities, and that the corporation take positive steps by a date certain toward a new and more responsible corporate citizenship.In other words, if you dare to disagree with our mob we will see to it that your business is destroyed (much applause from the freedom loving New York Times). We voted for these pricks.......AND the Democrats are also threatening a legislator because he said something those Muslims don't like, TO NO OBJECTION AT ALL from either side of the so-called aisle. Welcome to the gulag, those who dare to speak.
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